10 Rules for Proper Office Attire

Here are 10 rules for dressing at work, from dressing smarter than your boss to climb the ladder faster, to avoiding casual clothes and greasy hair

i: Do not Play the Part

Your work wardrobe should reflect who you are, but it shouldn’t reveal what you do. Dress smartly and be curious . Unless, of course, you wear a uniform or are a lawyer, doctor, or serve in the military – your clothes speak for themselves. Express yourself in the way you want people to recognize you. In the hierarchy, when an elder dresses one level above her than the next, it is taken seriously. If you lead a company or team, your clothing should reflect that

Fact: A freshman who dresses better than his boss will eventually replace him and climb the ladder faster than anyone else.

ii: No Clonning

You are what you wear Observe the colors, styles, prints and patterns worn by your peers and juniors. Make a conscious effort to look different from them, dress differently from them.
Don’t stereotype your appearance. For men, change your tie, shirt and suit combination as often as possible. Women must do the same with sarees, jackets, and blouses.

Fact: Ape the Boss – If you try to look like him/her, he’s a leader.

iii: Don’t wear Logo or office brand color widely

Being loyal to the company is one thing, but going too far is another. Some people make the mistake of wearing colors that are part of their company’s branding. Worse, they’re the ones who like to coordinate their clothes to match the color of their walls, interiors, and office furniture.The message is clear. In the office, you have to dress to attract attention, and you have to avoid attracting attention. In addition to black and white, (a little) subtle shades of red, blue, brown, green, or gray are acceptable corporate colors.

Fact: Bold, bright and vibrant colors can make you look extravagant and flashy. Reduce your color palette and completely avoid gold, silver, and other metallics.

iv: Quality Over Quantity

Wear clothes that are well made, fit properly, and look like new.
If your clothes are too big, you will look shabby. Clothing that is too tight can limit and accentuate areas that should not be worn.These should be altered or replaced, especially when it comes to shirts, jackets, trousers and skirts. Keep your new purchase in pristine condition. Wrinkle-free fabrics and well-ironed garments always send the right signals.

FACT: A snug fit is something that moves with your body.

v: Be Patriotic, but Don’t Overdo it

It’s okay to wear a national costume once in a while, but it doesn’t become your identity.

The more universal it looks, the better. If you want to be known for your work, skills, or intelligence, wear clothes that are accepted as regular office or work clothes around the world. Let people be judged by their work, not by their religion or nationality.

Fact: Traditional attire looks better at formal dinners, receptions and parties.

vi: Pay respect to the uniform

If you wear a uniform, give it the respect it deserves.

Don’t change the prescribed appearance, even minor changes. Always follow the regulations and look for what it is. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to keep your uniform fresh and clean.The same goes for accessories or lack thereof. This means that you always have an advantage over your colleagues.

Fact: Wearing a uniform isn’t about you, it’s about your brand, company, or employer’s image.

vii: No Style Statements

Workwear should look smart, elegant and fresh.
Stick to conventions and avoid experimenting with new trends and fads. If you wear a t-shirt (sleeveless or sleeveless), it should be free of sarcastic messages.
Similarly, refrain from wearing flashy branded or printed clothing. Classy, ​​simple, simple and monotonous attire is ideal.

FACT: Pinstripes and small checks are the only prints you can wear to the office.

viii: Wearing Office Casuals

A clear distinction must be made here. Casual wear is different from work and formal attire.
Very comfortable home and casual wear should never be worn in the office. Here’s the gist of the discussion about wearing jeans to work. Jeans should only be worn when working in an acceptable environment (media, art, advertising) and should only be worn in solid colors (black, white or dark colors). Blue) ) No texture, design or other treatment (fading, aging, bleaching). Some guys wear smart casual jackets, dress shirts and straight leg jeans with smart ties that look pretty good this is only for travel, casual saturdays and dress down his events It is recommended.

Fact: The more casual the style, the less dignified and powerful.

ix: Hair & Grooming

Do not dye or highlight your hair with shades of red, gold, or pink. Brown and black are generally accepted. Do not use oil on your hair. At the very least, don’t use anything that is heavy, sticky, or has a strong after-smell.
A woman’s makeup should be simple and not look cheap. All you need is good mascara, a subtle eyeshadow, and a soft color on your cheeks and lips. Shine and shine never go together.
Take care of your skin – A fresh, healthy surface is always better than a dull or bumpy surface. Remove hair especially where it should not be, such as nostrils, cheeks and ears. Mustaches and beards are acceptable as long as they are neatly trimmed.

Fact: Women who don’t use lipstick are less persuasive than those who do. A man whose hair has not fallen from his ears to the back collar of his jacket or shirt is always reassuring and trustworthy.

x: Change in mood with fashion

You need to change clothes before and after.
If you exercise, play golf, or play other sports before starting work, please be completely dressed (including clothing, pants, shoes, and socks) before coming to work.
Going out for drinks, parties or socializing (especially with colleagues) right after work changes a strong element of your appearance. Men can loosen their ties, roll up their sleeves, and unbutton their shirts, while women can wear scarves, stoles, or add color, sparkle, and sparkle to their make-up. You can untie it at night.

Fact: Changing your appearance gives you the opportunity to reflect different aspects of your personality.

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